Women’s Genital Cosmetology and Sexual Health

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Self-Assessment Questionnaire

This questionnaire helps women assess their genital health and identify any
concerns related to labial irregularity, appearance, looseness, clitoral thinness, decreased
sensation, loose vagina, inner thigh and supra pubic fat, dark patches, sexual dissatisfaction,
and lack of orgasm. It also provides guidance on when to seek medical advice.

Women's Genital Cosmetology and Sexual Health Self-Screening Questionnaire

Women's Genital Cosmetology and Sexual Health Self-Screening Questionnaire

1. Do you have concerns about the shape or symmetry of your labia?
2. Are you satisfied with the overall appearance of your genital area?
3. Do you feel that your genital area, including the vagina, is looser than desired?
4. Do you have concerns about the size or thickness of your clitoris?
5. Have you experienced a decrease in genital sensation?
6. Do you feel that your vagina is looser than desired, affecting your sexual experience?
7. Do you have excess fat in your inner thigh or supra pubic area?
8. Have you noticed any dark patches or discoloration on your genital skin or inner thighs?
9. Are you dissatisfied with your sexual experiences?
10. How often are you able to achieve orgasm during sexual activity?
11. Are you satisfied with the orgasms you achieve?
12. Are you generally healthy without any chronic illnesses or conditions?
13. Do you maintain a balanced diet with adequate nutrients?
14. Do you engage in regular physical activity and exercise?
15. How many hours of sleep do you get on average per night?
16. Do you experience high levels of stress in your daily life?

What is your score?

 0-5 points:
o Symptoms Impact: Minimal concerns.
o Recommendations: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and monitor any
changes. No immediate medical attention required.

 6-10 points:
o Symptoms Impact: Mild concerns.
o Recommendations: Consider discussing concerns with a healthcare provider, especially if symptoms persist or worsen.

 11-20 points:
o Symptoms Impact: Moderate concerns.
o Recommendations: Schedule a consultation with a gynecologist or a specialist in sexual health to evaluate symptoms and discuss potential treatments.

 21+ points:
o Symptoms Impact: Significant concerns.
o Recommendations: Seek immediate consultation with a healthcare

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